In a home rearranging project several years ago I was able to acquire this potting table (I think from Restoration Hardware?) that used to be the computer table my husband and I shared (way back when in the days when we shared a computer). It looked great, but it was less than ideal as a computer desk - it's way too high. It makes a great shipping table though! It has a drawer where I keep tissue paper, I can fit a selection of boxes and envelopes below, and the top shelf is great for tape, smaller envelopes, customs forms etc... I also have a cutting mat on it for trimming cardboard.

If you're brand new to shipping the first thing you should know is that the Post Office will give you FREE delivered to your door Priority Mail shipping boxes. You can order them from www.usps.com. They take about a week or two to get there, so plan ahead if you need to order more. The catch is you have to use Priority Mail shipping which I usually do anyway. I keep a selection of the boxes I use the most often on the table, but I have another storage room that's filled with extra and larger boxes, plus a bunch of plain cardboard ones for International and non-Priority Mail shipping.
The post office website has an easy calculator for checking shipping prices by zip code. The cost will vary a lot depending on how heavy the item is and how far it's going. Make sure you have an idea of how much the item will cost to ship. It stinks to sell an item and lose all the profit because you priced the shipping too low. For heavy and breakable items I often go with FedEx. It tends to be a little cheaper and you get up to $100 of insurance included. Both offer discounts for printing shipping labels online. Which brings me to the next section...

If you are not printing your shipping labels online, you're crazy! It's so quick, and it saves you time and money.
Invest in a digital scale pronto. I have an 11 pound digital scale and a 25 pound old school scale.
For PayPal payments you can print labels directly from the payment - including First Class postage (which the regular USPS website doesn't allow you to do). The only thing you can't print is International First Class postage which is a major sticking point with me. For that you have to use stamps and a green customs form. Don't drop international packages in the mailbox - you have to take them into the post office. Happily at my post office they let you cut the line to drop off prepaid packages. Some nicer post offices (generally ones in the suburbs) will have drop boxes for prepaid packages. If it has a preprinted label and can fit in the mailbox you can drop it there for domestic mail.

A bit about packing... I sell a lot of different types of products from clothing, to glassware to framed pictures. Needless to say depending on the types of products you sell, you'll need a variety of packing products. I always wrap clothing in tissue paper before putting it in a box or envelope (nicely folded of course...). I used to use colored tissue, but several years ago I had an issue when the package got wet and the colored tissue bled onto the garment :( Now I stick to white.
Anything breakable gets wrapped in bubble wrap, and the box gets completely filled with packing material (usually peanuts). If your breakable item can move in the box it isn't packed well enough. Remember that crumpled paper can compress in transit, so it normally isn't a good choice unless you have tons of it. If you have to use crumpled newspaper, put it inside of grocery store bags so it doesn't get newsprint on the merchandise.
I try to use recycled materials when possible, and a few of my friends save boxes and bubble wrap for me. Sometimes stores will save packing material for you if you ask. If I have to buy packing material I always buy in bulk - it's so much cheaper!
I have an XpedX near me where I get bubble wrap and packing peanuts. These packing peanuts are made from recycled material & are biodegradable in 5 years :) I usually order tape and bubble mailers from Staples online - they deliver free (and quick) if your order is over $50. I keep a box on the floor for scrap paper recycling from when I cut labels.

I found this box of horse stickers at the thrift store which I sometimes use to decorate the boxes.

I also always include a postcard and a button with my orders. Hopefully they'll keep it and remember me :)
I hope this was helpful!
Feel free to comment with additional tips if you have them.
Happy shipping!